Publicly Speaking

Bettering the speaking skills of professionals in Asia.

About this blog

Observations, tips and commentary on public speaking I do, observe, judge and critique. Public speaking needn't be feared. And it can't be avoided. So, let's get on with developing a skill we all have and start speaking successfully.


Keen to develop as a speaker? Have an important presentation looming? Contact me for executive speech coaching.


Friday Funny

Nuff said!

How to cope with a disrespectful audience

I'd arrived early to hear the previous speaker. I thought it was a good idea to get a feel for the audience, know what they'd heard and generally get 'in the mood'.

Big mistake!

Well, normally, it might not be a mistake. It's sensible advice that most professional speakers give out. It's just that the speaker before me was so BORING that he zapped all my energy. As I observed the audience chatting, playing with their phones or PCs, sleeping and staring into space, I started to get annoyed with them. I felt they were not being respectful to the speaker.

Donald Yee workshop: 30 Jan 2010

Almost 100 aspiring champions - or otherwise curious - Toastmasters gathered at the PolyU last Saturday to hear Donald Yee.

Donald Yee. This is a man that almost needs no introduction. If you are a TM in HK, you heard about him before you heard him speak. And unlike a lot of what is lauded in HK, Donald doesn't disappoint.