Publicly Speaking

Bettering the speaking skills of professionals in Asia.

About this blog

Observations, tips and commentary on public speaking I do, observe, judge and critique. Public speaking needn't be feared. And it can't be avoided. So, let's get on with developing a skill we all have and start speaking successfully.


Keen to develop as a speaker? Have an important presentation looming? Contact me for executive speech coaching.


The Case for Characters

Businesspeople I coach often challenge the idea of using stories and characters in their business presentations.

It doesn't come naturally to them. So I show them these videos.

If you only watch the first few minutes of this TED talk, you'll see how the speaker - Paul Romer - creates a compelling opening by creating a character and personalising the issue. Stick with it if you can; he talks about Hong Kong later on.

Paul Romer is not a natural speaker and he's improved a lot. See an earlier presentation here:

He's clearly had a lot of help and it's paid off. Adding a character or two certainly hasn't hurt his style.

Try it.


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