Publicly Speaking

Bettering the speaking skills of professionals in Asia.

About this blog

Observations, tips and commentary on public speaking I do, observe, judge and critique. Public speaking needn't be feared. And it can't be avoided. So, let's get on with developing a skill we all have and start speaking successfully.


Keen to develop as a speaker? Have an important presentation looming? Contact me for executive speech coaching.


The Case for Characters

Businesspeople I coach often challenge the idea of using stories and characters in their business presentations.

It doesn't come naturally to them. So I show them these videos.

Macau Semi Annual Conference Backchannel

Will you be attending? Would you like to chat with other attendees online?

I've created a backchannel to do exactly that at:

If you use Twitter, add the hashtag #TMD80SAC to your tweets and they'll show up automatically.

If you don't use Twitter, you can still join the chat. You can even remain anonymous.

Should be fun!!

85th Anniversary Testimonials

To mark the 85th anniversary of the world’s leading organization devoted to communications, I invite you to share your stories of growth through Toastmasters.

What's your answer to the question: How has Toastmasters made a difference in your life?

Here's my answer:

"I was bullied into joining a corporate Toastmasters club. By the time I left the company, I was hooked and joined a community club.

I've been a regular attendee for 8 years now and look forward to the almost weekly meetings as my refuge from the busy week.

I've grown not only as a speaker, but also as a person. I've met many people from different backgrounds I would not have had the opportunity to meet. And I'm proud to call these people my friends.

Toastmasters is touted as a place to improve 'communication and leadership skills'. If you think about life, that's really all there is - communication and leadership. So, through Toastmasters we learn to improve our relationships, our careers and our self esteem. I certainly have."

Please leave your comments.

Sling the Cantonese slang, la!

At the Division contest last week, I listened intently to all speakers from both Divisions! I laughed, I evaluated and I puzzled.

You see, I think my English is pretty good. So, I was puzzled at three points that afternoon when speakers, seemingly delivering speeches in English, switched to Cantonese slang.


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