Publicly Speaking

Bettering the speaking skills of professionals in Asia.

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Observations, tips and commentary on public speaking I do, observe, judge and critique. Public speaking needn't be feared. And it can't be avoided. So, let's get on with developing a skill we all have and start speaking successfully.


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Anne Barab in Hong Kong

Just days after David Brooks' excellent workshop, we had another workshop by DTM and Accredited Speaker, Anne Barab. Tootin' all the way from Texas, Anne's workshop was entitled 'So You Want to be Funny'.

The punctuation problems in that title should have been a warning.

A lot of what Anne delivered was valid. Some of it was humourous. But almost none of it was applied. By that I mean, the content was very theoretical. She had a colour handout with bullet points under headings such as 'Rules for Using Humor', 'How to Deliver Humor' and '10 Humor Tools'. She explained beautifully what each point meant. She just forgot the examples and the application.

She ended with a too-long story which was, I presume, intended to impress us. We were supposed to be blown away by her speaking skills. We were supposed to be envious of her style and panache. We were not supposed to be thinking 'What's for dinner'?

These last three sentences adhere somewhat to the 'Rule of Three' which was so much a feature of the presentation that we were all asked to stand and sing some inane song about it to the tune of the 'chicken dance'....twice!!!

A nice lady, I'm sure, but this workshop missed the mark for me.


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